Freefuninfo Internet Business Blog:

Hi Friends  I am Azmat Ali BS (Hons) degree holder and 25 years old and live in Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Pakistan.
Founder of https://freefuninfo.blogspot.com/ By Profession I’m a Graphics Designer, Blogger Computer Teacher,  and SEO Optimizer.
I have deep knowledge and am interested in following Services, I can provide  services about 
Freefuninfo be informed about some things on a blog, where. Which could help to Start Business on the Internet the new logo, is given 5 Main Category blog.

1.            Photoshop
2.            Blogger
3.            Internet
4.            Apps
5.            Blog
6.            Urdu
7.      Computer setting
8.      Social Media
9.      SEO Optimizer
10.    Making Money Online
11.    Web Developing
12.    Affiliate Marketing
13.    Web Designing

Blogger will find information related to all things Blogger category, such as Blogger Blog Set-Up, WP Tricks, Plugins, Theme Etck

Blogger in category will get information about all things related to Google Blogspot, like the Code, Theme, SEO, Post, Tricks, Social Media etc.

The Photoshop Category exist on the different tools will tell you all about how to make everything which you want to make.

Web of such Web Tricks will tell you about some Tricks of Internet Development, Web Designing, Programming, SEM, Social Media Tricks etc.

Blog I'll do my Personal Experience Share, which is something I learned and what is happening with me. It will also share some Motivational Story here so may leave the Motivate logo.

My name is Azmat Ahmed and I am a resident of Haripur City and district of KPK in Pakistan. I've always been an average student, I have a B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Haripur.
Personal Life:
I Beyond my parents in the family is my four elder brothers and my father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife (Home Maker).
Professional Life:

I Complete your BTech in 2017, I Interview in about 25 companies, but my English Skills best not to, rather than reducing the I Reject every time. When I Interview in 26 Comapany called Horizon, which was my selection.

I used Social Media and you can add me on all social networks by click following below icons.


ABOUT ABOUT Reviewed by Urdu Status on June 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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